Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
SHI1004 - SPI - Why Interior Design Needs Priority
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Lisa Brooks and Brooks Short from South Park Interiors discuss the importance of interior design and "programming" is important during the early stages of a student housing development. SPI is an interior design firm that has specialized in student housing. Their president, Martha Thomley, was actually an active partner with a student housing developer... so these ladies really understand the developer's point of view. That specialization in student housing over the past decade has now made them a "go to" source when it comes to consulting developers of conventional apartment communities that are targeting millennials. But it was great having them in studio and really understanding how important it is to have an interior designer be a part of the design process from the beginning of a project.
Speaker Information
Title: Principal at SPI and Lead Designer
How long with the company: 5 years/ 6 years
Email: brooks@southparkinteriors.com
Facebook: SouthPark Interiors
Instagram: SouthPark Interiors
Phone #: 704-333-3566
Speaker Information
Title: Principal at SPI
How long with the company: 12 years
Email: lisa@southparkinteriors.com
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
SHI1003: Todd Meckley - The Pursuit for the Perfect Plans
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Todd Meckley from BSB design comes into the studio to talk about trends and obstacles he's observing in the industry. Todd's firm is different from any other architecture firm I've dealt with because of 2 things: (1) his approach to the design process that brings all of the important players together during the process and he'll get into the details of that; (2nd) is his ability to understand the physical obstacles that have to be resolved in order for the operational needs of a student community to be met.
Email: tmeckley@bsbdesign.com
Website: https://www.bsbdesign.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BSBDesign
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bsbdesign
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bsb.design/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/43788/
Blog Site: https://www.bsbdesign.com/blog-news/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BSBDesignInc
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/bsbdesign/
Google +: https://plus.google.com/112867712236921797203
Phone #: (704) 786-2328 x8200 / (704) 467-8200 Direct
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
SHI1002: Gretta Dare - Marketing is research!
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Gretta Dare is owner and president of The Status Agency. Gretta has an intuitive yet methodical skill set of being able to drop herself into a market and a community and within 48 hours she can verbally paint a picture of that market, it's needs, and how your product will or currently is perceived in the market. I'm amazed at how deadly accurate she can be as well. I can say that because she worked for me as my VP of Marketing & Leasing in a previous life. Last year, Gretta left the day to day operations of a large student housing company to start Status Agency which is a marketing agency that not only serves student housing and multi-family clients, but she has a huge focus on small businesses and entrepreneurs. In the episode with Gretta we focus on the fact that marketing is more about the research and less about the design and feel of the product and your logo. And that's why I start with this podcast 1st because this is really where developments and rehab projects need to be conceived... after the research has been analyzed and you understand the needs of the market.
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
SHI001: Why am I doing this podcast?
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
- There is a voice missing in the noise. There are publications and conferences that talk a lot about the deals in the industry and touch on some of the blocking & tackling of operations but no one is telling the stories within the industry and it's by hearing the "story" that we learn. My wife and I homeschool our kids and I see the difference in how they remember something when I use a story to explain a concept or why something was invented vs giving them facts and formulas to memorize. So # 1 reason is to tell the story.
- Since going out into the consulting world earlier this year, I've been bombarded with folks (mostly developers new to the industry) who are asking a lot of questions that honestly I feel bad charging them an hourly fee for. I want my clients to be educated on the industry so that:
- We (me and the client) are wasting as little time as possible.
- We are spending our time finding real solutions and not spending time explaining why certain options won't work.
- Example: "Do I need to offer wi-fi at my community?" I could spend 3 hours explaining why it should be included and how to future proof it. But I would rather have a recorded podcast on the subject so I can say "hey I have some time tomorrow to discuss, in the mean time here's a podcast I recorded answering this same question. Take a listen and this will help our conversation be more productive." Because the real answer is not DO THEY NEED WIFI...there real question is HOW MUCH IS IT GOING TO COST ME AND WHO CAN MANAGE IT. And that is where I can provide value.
- This way I can spend the time learning about their company and their project. Because the better I understand that, the better I will be at figuring the best way to help them.
- Drive traffic to my website. Plain and simple. And this is another reason I believe everyone should be podcasting. In 2008 everyone was including a blog page on their website and recruiting residents to talk about things going on in the community in order to seem engaging and relevant. But no body has time to read that crap which brings me to the #4 reason why I'm starting a podcast...
- I think podcasts allow people to consume the content much easier than any other medium. No one wants to spend their time reading a blog about SH. AND watching a 40 minute video on YouTube requires attention of both your ears and your eyes... and trust me you don't want to watch my face for 40 minutes. With a podcast, you can listen when you're driving and flying or working out. Personally I like to to listen to them when I'm mowing the lawn.
- Facebook: @StudentHousingInsight
- Instagram: @StudentHousingInsight
- website: www.StudentHousingInsight.com
- email: wes@ProvidentialStudentHousing.com