
Friday Mar 08, 2019
SHI 0401 Interface Conference Preview with Rich Kelley
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
It's that time already! The Interface Student Housing Conference is next month in Austin, TX. This is the 11th year for this event and it has truly become the top networking event for this industry. In this episode Wes sits down with Rich Kelly from France Media and Student Housing Business magazine to discuss what you can expect at this year's event and we do a quick recap of the industry since the last year's conference.
For more info on the conference: http://interfaceconferencegroup.com/event/interface-student-housing/
Contact Wes and the SHI team: contact@StudentHousingInsight.com

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
SHI 3013 - Infinity War - The Incentive Battle
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Gift cards, free electronics, concert tickets, free rent... does it ever stop!!! Student housing providers seem to throw more incentives at their lease up efforts every year. We seem to constantly be on the search for what is going to hook students and help our property promotions stand out in the noise. But does it really have to be this way? And is it just the fight to lease-up first that is driving everyone's fear or is it something deeper? In this episode we unpack the craziness that our industry seems to be obsessed with. Gretta sits down with Ryan Sundling of Cardinal Group Management to peel back the layers of insanity related to promotional incentives and they begin a discussion on how properties can reel back from giving away the kitchen sink (hmm, wonder if that would actually work???).
This episode is sponsored by AIM Cruise Incentives. Want to offer an incentive that prospects see a 10X value over your actual expense? Contact Aim Cruise Incentives at www.aimcruise.com.
Contact the co-hosts at contact@studenthousinginsight.com.
Looking for a knowledgeable and experienced student housing expert team, contact Wes at Providential Student Housing regarding consulting & due diligence services. Wes@ProvidentialStudentHousing.com

Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Motivating & Marketing to Today's Students (and how to apply it to Instagram)
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
People learn in different ways. People are motivated by different things. So why would a marketer stick to using one "motivator" to tell the story of their student housing community?
This is the exact topic that Michael Newton, CEO of Swarm Co., presented as his IDEA presentation at the Student Housing Insight Summit back in October. In this episode of the podcast we rip the audio for that presentation and Gretta and Wes analyze how to apply different motivators to the way a student community uses Instagram.
This episode is sponsored by TrustHab. Want more info on how your student facility can take advantage of IoT? Check out www.TrustHab.com .
Want to see the video of Michael's presentation at Summit? Follow this link to our YouTube channel:
Get in touch with the host, Wes Deese: contact@StudentHousingInsight.com
Get in touch with Michael Newton: m@getswarm.co

Monday Dec 03, 2018
SHI 3012 - PROMO GEAR, The Age of Extra; w/Amanda Banken
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Promo Gear, swag, give-a-ways... what every you call it, promotional materials are a big deal in student housing. But the days of basic t-shirts and koozies are over. Today it's not about making sure your t-shirt is good enough for a student to wear it to the gym, but is it good enough for them to wear in an Instagram pic! In this episode, Gretta sits down with Amanda Banken from What's Happening Promotions located in Gainesville, FL to talk about the latest trends in "promo" and how to make sure you are not wasting your marketing dollars.
This episode is sponsored by AIM Cruises. Check them out at www.AIMcruises.com
For more information on WHP, visit them at www.whatshappeningpromotions.com or email Amanda at amanda@whpinc.com
For more info on everything with SHI or to leave us a message, go to www.StudentHousingInsight.com

Sunday Nov 18, 2018
From the Summit Ep.1 LEGACY over Promotion w/ Jacki Pingel
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
It's been over a month since our last podcast! But that's only because we have been super busy putting together content! In this episode we do a little bit of catch up on what we've been up to we present the first IDEA Presentation from our first ever SHI Summit. In this presentation, Jackie Pingel from Peak Campus talks about our decision to pursue a legacy over the next promotion. I hope you are as inspired as the live audience was after hearing this. You can also catch the video on our YouTube channel.
This episode is sponsored by South Park Interiors and STELLAR. Check them out at www.SouthParkInteriors.com and www.WeAreStellarDesigns.com
Have questions or suggestions for an episode. Email us at contact@StudentHousingInsight.com

Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
SHI Podcast - LeaseCon 2018 Recap
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Student Housing Business/France Media hosted their first ever LeaseCon in Dallas last week. Gretta and Wes recap some of the key points and we catch up with podcast alum, Sam Winn from Agency Fifty3 and Mike Newton from Swarm, who presented at the conference as weill. Make sure you listen to this to get a couple of marketing and leasing hacks from them.
Guests Contact Info:
Sam Winn: hello@agencyfifty3.com
Michael Newton: m@getswarm.co
Host & Producer:
Wesley Deese: wes@PerovidentialStudentHousing.com
Gretta Dare: gretta@thestatusagency.com
Link to SHI Regional Summit in Charlotte: SHI Regional Summit

Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Fall 2018 Conference Preview Pt 3 - NMHC
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
This is the final installment of the fall conference preview for student housing. In this episode we sit down with Matthew Berger and Dave Borsos of the National Multi-Housing Council and discuss their student housing conference scheduled in Huntington Beach, CA October 3rd through 5th. This is NMHC's 16th annual student housing conference and it is once again predicted to break records in attendance as they announce a new research project and provide more networking opportunities than ever before. If you are going or still debating on going, make sure you listen to this episode to discover what is on tap, including keynote speaker Amy Trask!

Friday Sep 07, 2018
Fall 2018 Conference Preview Pt 2 - SHB LeaseCon
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
In this 2nd episode of the 3 part series that previews the fall conference line-up, we're talking to Student Housing Business's Rich Kelley about their upcoming conference called LeaseCon which is being held on Tuesday September 25th in Dallas, TX. This is a first of it's kind conference focussed on social media, digital, & traditional marketing.

Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Fall 2018 Conference Preview Pt 1 - SHI Regional Summit
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
This episode is the first of a 3 part series we have created to give you a preview of the student housing conferences being held this fall. First up is SHI's own... Regional Summit that is directed for managers and owners operating SH properties in VA, NC, SC, GA, & TN.
In this episode, I explain why SHI is expanding into conferences, what we are covering and the format we have chosen. I'll also give a preview of some of things we'll be doing at the conference in Charlotte on September 18th at the US National Whitewater Center.
Podcast with Taylor Gunn from Axiometrics
This episode is sponsored by Carter-Young, Inc. Look them up at www.Carter-Young.com
For questions or comments: contact@StudentHousingInsight.com

Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
SHI 3011 - Social Media & The Successful Crusade featuring Michael Newton
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
This episode should probably be titled "What Gen Z Wishes Millennials Understood about Social Media." But we already named the episode and came up with pretty cover art... so we are sticking with it. In this episode, Gretta interviews Michael Newton, a 19 year old college student and entrepreneur who recently launched a company called Swarm which focuses on helping brands reach today's college students through influencer marketing. This is a must listen if you want to understand what it is you are doing wrong with your social media strategy... and yes, you are doing it wrong!
This episode is sponsored by AIM Cruise Incentives. Check them out at www.aimcruise.com and don't forget to register to win a free cruise at www.studenthousinginsight.com/aimcruise.
To contact the host & producer, Wesley Deese: wes@ProvidentialStudentHousing.com
To contact the co-host, Gretta Dare: gretta@statusagency.com
To contact the guest, Michael Newton: jamesmichaelnewton@gmail.com
To find out more about Michael's company: www.getswarm.co